Many people are convinced that in order to get high quality, pure essential oils you have to pay an arm and a leg. Our pure, therapeutic essential oils are bottled right here in Maryland by us. We as well as five other mid sized oil companies formed a co-op several years ago in order to combine our resources in order to distill and import high quality essential oils. This co-op has served us well and allows us to sell top quality essential oil singles as well as our signature blends at reasonable, affordable prices. The introduction of our single note oils allows you more latitude to experiment with your own blends for less money. As with all of our Crystal Sage blends I honor the Spirit of each plant source and ask for it to impart the highest energy and vibration to the oils before they are ever bottled. Also every oil, bottle and container is cleared of any residue energy before it is used.
Many people advocate taking essential oils internally. Although I and my family have done so I would not ever advise you to do so. I have no way of determining YOUR current medical conditions, medications or allergies so to do so would not only be irresponsible but possibly dangerous. Oils should be used in this manner only AFTER you have consulted with a licensed aromatherapist with at least 200 hours of classes and training as well as studying chemistry and drug interactions as well as the time to conduct in depth consults beforehand.
Likewise I never advocate using essential oils directly on animals! Even the dousing of Pennyroyal oil on fabric bandanas to deter fleas can bring on liver failure within a day. Also cats cannot metabolize essential oils. They store up in the liver causing liver or kidney failure. Consult your vet before using oils on your dog and never use them on cats!
Also all but a few essential oils must be diluted before using on the skin. For diffusing they can be used straight out of the bottle.
I don't recommend using essential oils on children under 6 years old or before the third month in pregnancy for most oils-others should be avoided altogether.
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