Do you find yourself walking into a room and asking, “What did I come in here for?” Do you suffer from dyslexia or other related disorders? Do you have trouble making decisions? As we age, get busy with family or jobs we sometime tend to forget a lot more than we used to. Eating right, getting the right amount of sleep and other measures are all helpful but you may find that you need additional help. Mind Mend may help stimulate your mind, eliminate mental confusion and expand your mind. Mind Mend may also allow faster assimilation of ideas, enhance decision making, stimulate the intellect and clarify perception. This blend may also combat dyslexia, enhance memory and blood flow to the brain and help brain function. We have combined the essential oils including Basil, Rosemary, Lavender, Clove. We then add the following cleaned and charged crystals:
ALEXANDRITE-Helpful with Alzheimer’s and dementia
LAPIS LAZULI-Stimulates the mind
SODALITE-Eliminates mental confusion, allows new information in
AZURITE-Stimulates memory, expands the mind
LEPIDOLITE-Stimulates the intellect, calms erratic thoughts
AMETHYST-Helps assimilate new ideas
HEMITITE-Enhances memory
AMBER-Aids in decision making and memory
BLUE LACE AGATE-Helps brain function
ROSE QUARTZ-Helpful in Alzheimer’s
MALACHITE-Combats dyslexia
AQUAMARINE-Clarifies perception, sharpens intellect
PYRITE-Enhances blood flow to the brain, improves memory and recall
PERIDOT-Sharpens the mind