Do you consistently repeat patterns of addictions or poor life choices? Are you always drawn to people who are not in your best interest? Have you ever been in a place and felt that you have been there before? Do you have fears that you do not really have any basis for, like fear of deep water for example without ever having had a bad experience related to water? Many people believe that events in our past lives can affect our actions in this one. Past Life may help you to reconnect with these lives and confront unresolved issues from a previous lifetime. This can allow you to address these issues and access the Karmic record. This promotes a learning experience that can be applied to problems or fears that you have in this life that are keeping you from moving forward. We have combined essential oils including Fir Needle, Rosemary, Sandalwood. We then add the following cleaned and charged crystals:
APATITE-Attunes to the future, connection to the past
CARNELIAN-Aligns you with your life purpose
ARAGONITE-Gently takes you back to past experiences
GARNET-Expands awareness, past life recall
HOWLITE-Assists in journeys out of body and accessing past lives
JASPER-Regression to past lives and healing Karmic causes
CALCITE-meditation and attunement to higher spiritual planes
RUTILATED QUARTZ-Breaks down barriers to spiritual progress and allows you to let go of the past
UNAKITE-Shows root cause of present problems, past life healing
TEKTITE-Helps you remember lessons learned
FOSSIL STONE-Represents time, eternity and evolution
AMBER-Absorbs negative energy and pain
RHODONITE-Clears away emotional scars and wounds from the past
SERPENTINE-Assists in retrieval of lost memories, directs healing energy to problem areas.
We have also added our own organically grown Mugwort root said to be good for prophetic dreaming. DO NOT INGEST THE ROOT!
EXERCISE-Prophetic dreams are a good way to gently access this information and is easy to do without involving another person if you are comfortable doing so. Before going to bed, ask your higher power or guides to aid you in a gentle way in showing you root causes of the issue that you are concerned about. Apply Past Life to your Crown chakra (top of head), your throat, third eye (center of forehead) and your wrists. Put the oil on your fingers and anoint yourself. Keep the oil out of your eyes. Ask mentally or out loud for a dream that involves a past life. Keep a note pad by the bed to record your results. Once you feel comfortable with this approach it is easier to go to a healer that specializes in past life regression to investigate further.