Do you find yourself unable to stop thinking about issues that you had thought were resolved? Do you find it hard to stop repetitive behaviors like involving yourself with the wrong people? Do keep making the same mistakes over and over? Release may help you with emotional and mental dependencies. Repeated addictive thought patterns may make it impossible for you to push past issues and get along with living. Recognizing these patterns is a key part of positive action. With Release in combination with traditional therapies as well as visualization or guided meditation you may find it much easier to move forward in a positive direction. Release may help you to look to the future and chose the right direction for yourself. We have combined the essential oils including Lime, Sage, Pettigraine. We then add the following cleaned and charged crystals:
GARNET-Helps with ingrained behavior patterns
AMETHYST-Balances out emotional highs and lows
CHALCEDONY-Brings body, mind and spirit into balance
LEPIDOLITE-Halts obsessive thoughts, stabilizes mood swings, and supports release from addictions of all kinds
TANZANITE-Helps with all kinds of negativity
PIETERSITE-Grounding and combats fear
IOLITE-Aids in detox, balance and living in the moment
TIGER EYE-Brings courage and aids in new beginnings
RUTILATED QUARTZ-Brings balance and calm, helps depression, energy blocks and negativity
MOONSTONE-Combats cycles and repeated patterns
SNOWFLAKE OBSIDIAN-Combats unhelpful behavior
BLOODSTONE-Provides balance and aids in ridding the body of toxins
Release can be applied whenever you feel the need for fortification with the issue you are struggling with.